Thursday, September 15, 2011

Italia Day 13 - Arrivederci Sicilia

After 10 wonderfully chaotic & jam-packed days we left Sicilia on Sunday. We had time for one last walk around Taormina before we had to get the bus down to the train station.

Sadly, after having just discovered it, we had to say farewell to Massimo, Paolo & Re di Bastoni.
The last thing I wanted to do was visit the public gardens. They were in a part of town we hadn't checked out & I was again sad we didn't have more time there. Part of the gardens were dedicated to a war memorial, including some weaponry.
The gardens were designed by an English noblewoman and were very pretty.
Again with the stunning views.
There were a couple of buildings like this in the gardens - I'm not sure what they are.
The gardens were much larger than I originally realised - these stone pathways wound right around.
I thought this staircase was perfectly set up.
Finally, we hopped on the train that was taking me from Taormina to Salerno, and C all the way to Milano. And we got to experience another Italian curiosity. Instead of finishing the train line in Sicily & starting it again on the other side on the mainland, they just put the whole train into the bottom of a ferry & unload it again on the other side. I think it's hilarious - certainly a unique experience.

I was lucky enough to have a few friendly women in my cabin, so I followed them up onto the ferry deck to get some fresh air.

And so it was Arrivederci Sicilia.
And Buongiorno Calabria!

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